Carabao CAN
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Carabao in Thailand has long been known as the glass bottle energy drink that glorifies the blue-collar fighting spirit. In 2018 Carabao
decided to launch Carabao Can to modernize the brand to capture the young drinker. To do so, an edgy idea was needed to revamp
the brand and rock the energy drink market. In a world full of pessimism where the young are left in fear, Carabao Can launched the
“DON’T SAY CAN’T” campaign, a call for youngsters to rid themselves from negativity, doubt and the “can’t” surrounding them.
Twopee, a young blood Thai rapper was chosen to tell this story. His provoking lyrics of “When I say Can’t, Y’all say Can,” delivered
the belief that with absence of “can’t”, youngsters “can” do anything, Not a command, “DON’T SAY CAN’T” is a statement inspiring
youngsters to fuel themselves with the positive energy of “can”, helping to established Carabao Can as the new positive force here to